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Drone Equipment

Drone Equipment

drone equipment shemaps

Drone Equipment

Getting the right equipment is key to running a successful and drone program. Our range consists of educational drones and accessories that are trusted by schools around the world.

Teacher Resources

Teacher resources

carbon drone

Classroom Drone Essentials

Classroom Drone Essentials is our foundation program, which teaches students about drone applications in the real world, drone safety, and how to fly and code drones.

On-demand resources

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On-demand resources

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Primary Students

Browse our resources for Years 1-6

Secondary Students

Browse our resources for Years 7 - 12

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Needing help to get started?

Get started in 2 easy steps

To get started teaching with drones you need three things: drones, teacher instructions and classroom activity resources.

one 1

Not sure where to get started?

Try before you buy

Take our resources for a spin and join the thousands of teachers who love our ready-to-teach classroom materials. Try one of our complete units of work for free.

drones in forestry yr 5 6
drones in forestry yr 9 10