Competition Terms and Conditions
Competition promoter
Kaea Pty Ltd, T/A She Maps (We, Us, Our) is conducting a competition.
Our contact details are:
Contact: | Paul Mead |
Postal Address: | 70 Moresby St Cairns Qld, 4879 |
Email: |
The Competition
The ‘How Cool is Your School?’ Competition (the competition) is an initiative of She Maps.
Information about the Competition, including the judging criteria and Entry Specifications, are available at https://shemaps.com/map-my-school-competition/
You means a person participating in the competition and, unless context otherwise requires, includes the students parent/guardian consent.
You are eligible to register and participate in the competition if You are a registered Australian school teacher or a home education teacher under the Education (General Provisions) Act 2006 in Years K-12 in 2023;
We reserve the right to refuse or terminate any person’s participation in the competition at any time.
The online registration link is at https://shemaps.com/map-my-school-competition/
A school staff member must register all entries online to participate in the competition
The Competition is open until 5pm AEST on Saturday July 1, 2023. Entries must be submitted by the close of the competition to be eligible. NOTE – Entry closing date extended to Friday 14 July 2023.
By submitting your registration online You agree to comply with (in descending order of precedence):
a) these Rules; and
b) the instructions on the competition site.
There is no fee to participate in the competition.
Entry Submission
Each Entry must:
be only one entry per student
contain only student first name with teacher contact details to protect student privacy
c) comply with the Entry Specifications; and
d) be made and submitted in accordance with these Rules.
A school may enter multiple entries, but each entry must be unique.
You must adhere to the licence agreements for any software used in creating the digital solution.
You are responsible for the creation of all audio and visual content in the work You submit to the Competition (including music).
You must clearly identify any intellectual property (code, visual or audio components) derived from the software packages used in the creation of Your student’s digital solution.
Where using third party content it is Your responsibility to obtain licences/permission for any audio and visual material used in the work that has been created by another person/organisation.
If code, visual or audio has been taken from collaborative spaces such as online forums, You must provide acknowledgement and provide an appropriate link.
It is Your responsibility to provide evidence in writing that the original content creator has licensed any audio and/or visual content not created by You. You may be required to provide Us with such evidence if requested.
Entries submitted with third-party audio or visual content, without evidence of third party licence, may be excluded from judging.
Copyright in the content included in the Entry must be owned by or licensed to You. The original digital file(s) must be kept for reference, as they may be required to demonstrate this is Your student’s own work.
You agree at all times to conduct yourself in a lawful, professional, ethical, safe and responsible manner that recognises and respects the rights of others.
You must not do anything or become involved in any situation which, in Our reasonable opinion, brings Us or the Competition into public disrepute, contempt, scandal or ridicule, offends public opinion or reflects unfavourably upon Our reputation.
If We decide for any reason that Your Entry or conduct is inappropriate or unacceptable We may disqualify You and terminate Your participation in the Competition.
The themes and content of each prototype must be considered age appropriate and in accordance with the relevant schools’ and sector policies.
We will appoint a panel of judges from industry, government, and education sectors to judge the Entries according to criteria in these Rules, the Entry Specifications, and any other criteria notified to You by Us.
See https://shemaps.com/map-my-school-competition/ for the judging criteria for each competition category.
Entries will be judged on merit alone and the Competition does not involve an element of chance.
Only completed entries will be judged.
There are 3 rounds of judging:
a) Round 1: A panel of judges will shortlist entries based on judging criteria;
b) Round 2: Shortlisted entries will be divided up between pairs of judges for scoring;
c) Round 3: Each judge’s top five entries will then be considered at a judging panel meeting.
At the end of Round 3, the panel of judges will select prize winners in each category.
You agree that decisions in relation to any aspect of the Competition including determining eligibility of Entries, the shortlist and winner/s will be final and binding on all entrants who enter the Competition and cannot be contested or appealed.
The Competition winners will be notified by email by Our representative and the names, school and year levels of the winners will be published on the Competition’s website, affiliate websites and social media channels by She Maps and media.
Prizes will:
a) be decided by Us in Our absolute discretion;
b) consist of product, services or vouchers as decided by us;
Prizes are not transferable or exchangeable and are not redeemable for cash or other prizes.
Intellectual property and other rights
The intellectual property rights in the Entry created by You remain owned by You.
You grant, and must ensure that relevant third parties grant, Us and Our Personnel an irrevocable, unconditional, perpetual, royalty-free, non-exclusive, worldwide, transferable licence (including the right to sublicense) to use, publish, reproduce, communicate and broadcast the Entry and any other material You supply to Us for any purpose as We see fit, pending talent release.
You consent to Us and Our Personnel performing any act or making any omission that may constitute an infringement of Your moral rights.
Personal information and privacy
We may collect, record, store, use and disclose personal information about You for the purpose of promoting and conducting the Competition.
We will deal with Your personal information in accordance with information privacy laws including, but not limited to, the Information Privacy Act 2009 (Qld)
The personal information about You we deal with may include:
Your (teacher’s) first and last name;
Your (teacher’s) email address;
Your school;
The school year level of your entry.
You agree that Your personal information will be stored by the provider identified in the Third Party Website Consent form at Schedule 1 for the purpose of completing Your Registration and You agree that this information may be stored outside of Australia.
Your personal information may be used by, or disclosed to, third parties without notice to You if authorised or required by law.
You are not obliged to provide personal information to Us but if You do not provide the personal information We will be unable to accept Your registration in the Competition.
If You wish to access or correct any of Your personal information or discuss how it has been dealt with You may send a request to Us using Our contact details above.
You represent and warrant to Us that Your Entry:
a) is Your student’s original work and is not based on pre-existing work and that You have obtained all necessary rights, licences, permissions and consents in respect of any third party material included in the Entry to use such third party material for the purposes of the Competition and grant to Us and Our Personnel the rights referred to in Rule 9.2;
b) does not contain anything that might give rise to a claim of infringement of any rights including, without limitation, intellectual property rights or moral rights;
c) does not contain offensive content (including sexually explicit, racially vilifying, defamatory, discriminatory or violent content); and
d) insofar as Your Entry involves Your personal information or that of any third party, all informed consent to the recording, storage, use and disclosure of that personal information is and has been given. Student entries should only contain student first name.
Release, discharge and indemnity
To the extent permitted by law, the Competition shall not be liable for any loss or damage whatsoever (including but not limited to direct or consequential loss) or personal injury suffered or sustained in connection with this promotion or in connection with accepting or using any prize, including without limitation non-receipt of any prize or damage to any prize in transit.
We and Our Personnel assume no responsibility for any error, omission, interruption, corruption, deletion, defect, delay in operation or transmission, communications line failure, theft or destruction or unauthorised access to, or alteration of, Entries. We and Our Personnel are not responsible for any problems or technical malfunction of any telephone network or lines, computer networks and systems, servers, or providers, computer equipment, software, failure of any e-mail on account of technical problems or traffic congestion on the internet or at any web site, or any combination of them, including any injury or damage to any entrant’s or any other person’s computer related to or resulting from participation or downloading any materials in this Competition.
You release, discharge and indemnify Us and Our Personnel from and against any Claim incurred by any of them (whether in contract, tort including negligence, or otherwise) in connection with:
a) Your failure to comply with an applicable law;
b) Your wilful default or misconduct;
c) any claim of intellectual property rights or moral rights infringement relating to Your Entry;
d) breach of any warranty given in this document; or
e) any Claim by a third party relating to Your participation in the Competition, except to the extent that We or Our Personnel caused or contributed to the Claim.
Cancellation. We reserve the right to cancel the Competition at any time without compensation if circumstances arise outside of Our control.
Costs. Unless otherwise expressly stated or agreed, You acknowledge and agree that You are solely responsible for the costs You incur in Your participation in the Competition.
Decisions. You agree that where We or the panel of judges make a decision relating to the Competition we do so in Our absolute and unfettered discretion and We do not need not give any reasons for any decision made.
Electronic communication: You agree that We will communicate with You by email and other electronic means. You acknowledge that electronic communications, unless adequately encrypted, are not secure and may be viewed by others or interfered with. You acknowledge that We accept no responsibility for the security or integrity of any information communicated between You and Us over the internet or by other electronic means.
Entire agreement. These Rules and the documents referred therein set out all the parties’ rights and obligations relating to the subject matter, and they replace all earlier representations, statements, agreements and understandings unless stated otherwise. No other terms apply.
Governing Law. These Rules are governed by the laws of Queensland and the parties submit to the nonexclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Queensland.
Relationship. You agree that participating in the Competition does not involve any representation or expectation for any future involvement with Us. Your participation in the Competition does not create any partnership, contract of employment or employment relationship, joint venture, or relationship of principal and agent between You and Us.
Variations: We may change these Rules at any time and We will use reasonable endeavours to notify You of such changes either by notifying You in person or by sending You an email.
Claim means claim, action, proceeding, demand, liability, obligation, costs (including legal costs), losses, damages or expenses, including those arising out of the terms of any settlement.
Entry means any material whether or not in physical form that is created, written, performed, developed or otherwise brought into existence by You that You provide to Us as part of Your participation in the Competition but excludes:
material, including software, subject to third party rights; and
material which existed at the Competition start date or which is developed independently of the Competition.
Entry Specifications means the requirements to submit a valid entry in the Competition and what You must do to participate published at https://education.shemaps.com/coolestschool
intellectual property means all copyright, trade mark, design, patents, and other proprietary rights, and any rights to registration of such rights existing anywhere in the world, whether created before or after Your participation in the Competition.
personal information has the meaning given in the Information Privacy Act 2009 (Qld).
Personnel means Our officers, directors, employees, agents, subcontractors and volunteers who help us conduct the Competition.
Schedule 1
Third Party Website Consent Form
Name of Provider: | She Maps hosted by Kartra |
Type of Service: | Kartra is a global provider of CRM and webpage hosting solutions to a broad range of markets including education business, tourism, health, energy, non-profit associations and government. She Maps hosts our CRM, membership service and associated webpages and data capture forms through Kartra |
Website: | MMS Competition Registration Page |
Privacy Policy: | |
File Storage: | Cloud based servers with Amazon Web Servers, with access by She Maps staff located in Australia and Europe. Kartra support staff have potential access to personal data from the USA. |
We will use the hosting platform provided by Kartra to register participants and store personal information for the Competition.
All personal information entered at registration will be stored on the Kartra hosted site and may be downloaded by Us for the purpose of running the Competition and data analytics.
You will receive communication from Us directly and via Kartra for the purpose of conducting the Competition.
You are not obliged to consent to Kartra storing Your information. However, if You do not consent You will not be able to register for the Competition.
If You wish to access or correct any of Your personal information or discuss how it has been dealt with You may send a request to Our contact details.
She Maps
70 Moresby St
Trinity Beach